Guest Post: A Visit to the Farm

By Heidi Roth

It only took me a year to get up to my sister's new farm - but in that short year I was surprised to see just how far they'd come, how much they'd learned ... and how completely and utterly in love Jen and Greg have become with this beautiful piece of property in central Washington.

As you saw from Jen's previous post, the pigs have provided a steep learning curve, but the turkeys and chickens are old hat for them - they raised them when they were still held captive by the city (Seattle). I just adored watching the young turkeys following her around the farm when they were let out to pasture, like children chasing after the Pied Piper. 

Naughty, the dog, is really not that naughty. She's mildly disinterested in the turkeys and would rather have you throw the ball. Forever. All. Day. Long. Stick around long enough and each of the three farm kitties will bring you limp (if you're lucky) or wriggling (if you're not lucky) gifts of mice and voles. You're welcome.

I was only there for an extended weekend, but honestly, I could've sat on their front porch listening to all the quietness and drinking in all the PNW beauty, sipping on Greg's home-brewed beer and bossing Jenny around in the herb garden for days on end.

As an older sister, I cannot begin to express how amazed, proud, excited, and hopeful I am for my incredibly brave sister and her kick-ass husband (who can fix anything - a farmer's equivalent to McGyver). If anyone can do this, they can do it with a fortitude and strength I only wish I might someday have.

Here's a slideshow of some of my favorite pics from my time on the farm. If you're in the area, drop by and see them sometime. 

Heidi Roth

I am a Visual Storyteller, helping you leverage opportunities that help people see you and your brand more clearly.

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